Learning Spring Boot

i just started learning Spring Boot, as suggested by my mentor from Javabrains.com.It is really good website , the author Koushik provides many videos on spring core,Spring Boot, hibernate and other such stuff, in which he explains clearly all the important topics that you need to get started.he explains briefly why we need the basics of spring core to learn Spring boot and all such doubts will be cleared.If you follow the videos from the youtube, i suggest you go through the comment section, which is the community of other people learning the same.

i suggest you start with the spring core, for which the prerequisites are just the concepts of core Java.
just being comfortable with java code is enough to learn Spring.as you might know, Spring is a framework .it is an adanced version framework to upcome the drawbacks of the old technologies like servlets which we need to give the whole implentation.i.e;whenever we need to use an class by creating an object for it, we just need to instiate it as a bean in the configuration file.so that, even when there are any changes in that class we are using, we don't need to change it in our class.
This functionality is called Dependency Injection.

A basic idea of a framework would be, something that makes the communication between two things easy.
what we do with any framework, can be achieved without a framework, but just that it would take long time and effort.


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